Friday, March 1, 2002

Home, Thirst, Morning Sickness?

Well, among all of the home inspections, termite inspections, septic inspections, well inspections, and mortgage meetings I’m somehow finding time to be pregnant. It is just wonderful to know that we will be fully moved in to our beautiful new home when the baby comes. Someone even shouted at me while I was walking today. “You’re such an inspiration to see!” (I don’t know if she thought I was overweight and trying to lose pounds or just saw someone exercising. It was kind of like one of those angel experiences, though.)
In regards to my health and the baby’s health, everything’s fine. I have been feeling a bit queasy, though. Is this morning sickness? It certainly isn’t bad. I feel like when I was in high school and early college when I had to struggle to eat. I just didn’t enjoy eating at that time of my life. I’ll admit that I do dread the next meal because I know that I need to get the proper nutrition, and I am making sure I get it, but it just isn’t fun. And if I even think about fried fish, I almost get sick. Yuck!
I’m also really thirsty a couple of times a day, and not just after my normal two-hour walk, either. This worries me a little bit because I know extreme thirst can be a symptom of gestational diabetes. It feels like when you’re in the car and have the heat on. If you forget about it, suddenly your mouth, throat, and face feel really dry. Yesterday when I felt like that, I drank three glasses of water, and then pottied it all out. Hey, if this baby needs liquid, I’ll drink it! : )
I’ve also been praying a lot at daily mass for the “health and happiness of this little baby in the womb, at birth, and during his or her life.” What a big prayer. (I’ll be darned, though, if I’m going to receive communion after touching sick people’s hands at peace time. Today I had to lather my hands with Purell. I didn’t care who saw me. It’s like I’m a magnet for sick people in church.) Today I plan to go to eucharistic adoration and read some of my Parenting with Grace. I would love to read some of that every time I go. Just to be in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament and reading about this wonderful gift we’ve been given will be a blessing in itself.
I have also been scouring websites about how to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar I’m going to have a girl. My “lunar age” at the time of conception was 29, and the baby was conceived in late January. That means a girl. But also, according to the same calendar, I was supposed to be a boy. Oops. : ) I’m also craving sweets horribly. (Why is it that when I do want to eat something, it is something really bad for me.) Craving sweets also means a girl. Hmmmm. . . .
Ironically, these days I feel like I’m having a boy. : ) Either one would be so fabulous!