Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snuggle Sack, Acorn Socks, Jammies & Hot Cocoa on a Snowy Day

Snow Day!

Sledding Hill of our Dreams

The girls got out of school early today. After I pick them up at oma's and papas, and they had some fun sledding there, we wound our way home very slowly. On the way, I remembered my absolute favorite sledding hill ever! It is right off the golf course in Etowah! I pulled the car over, and had my sweet girls have this wonderful experience. Almost a quarter mile with no trees and continual downhill slope. Awesome! However, we weren't dressed right, so then we headed home to get our snow things on.:-D

Catching Snowflakes & Sledding with Oma

Such joy here! ... and Oma is wearing the same 1960s jacket she did when dating Papa!

Riding Papa's New Couch Like a Roller Coaster (now forbidden)