Saturday, October 31, 2015

Carving Pumpkins 2015

We always do it after the fact. No rush because we live so far out in the country. This year we have a homemade bunny that Annie designed herself, and a wolf howling at the moon! Can you believe, no cat pumpkin this year?!? First year since Leia was 3 (I think)!

Happy Halloween 2015

Annie was an Indian princess, mostly so she could include Kitty in a basket.  I was a cowgirl to join Annie, because this was the first year that Leia did not want to participate. Annie got all the candy! As usual, Oma and Papa were happy and surprised to find us at their door at the end of the night. :-) There were so many cute pictures of Annie, I couldn't decide which one to post. I just included them all. :-)

Monday, October 26, 2015

Thirteen-Year-Old Leia and Her Cell Phone Cake

Happy Birthday Leia!

Leia turns thirteen! 13! We have a teenager on our hands!  And guess what she wanted? A cell phone! ... Hence the cake (also Leia-requested). To celebrate, Leia wanted to go to Ichiban, where they cook at your table! (This became a thirteenth birthday trend for friends, by the way.)

Sunday, October 25, 2015

... Annie Was Here ...

(This time, a whole farm of sculpey farm animals!)

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Friday, October 23, 2015

Mamma's Birhtday on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Happy Birthday Mamma, Love Annie

I think this is my favorite gift, EVER: "this is a bunny holding the amaculit [Immaculate] heart of Mary." No doubt, I feel LOVED!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Early Fall on the Blue Ridge Parkway

This was a really fun outing with Annie flying her little butterfly kite, Harvest hanging out the window, and Leia and Harvest playing football & then hiking up to a rock on the Mount Pisgah overlook to watch the sunset.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Visiting Chapel Hill: Playing Vintage Video Games

Favorite line of the day: "Mom! Ugh! You can see the PIXELS!"