Monday, December 28, 2015

Lovin' on Little Will

Caught in between Mamma and Auntie Noelle.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Little Will's Baptism

... performed by dear Father Basant.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

A Strange Picture-Taking Ploy: "Regular & ... Bunny!"

This year, all throughout the Christmas season and beyond, I had such trouble getting the girls to make a straight face for a picture that I came up with an idea. I would have them take a regular picture, and then be a bunny for the next one. It seem to work very well! As a result, I have a collection of regular, bunny. Regular, bunny. Regular, bunny. And yes,  I had to zoom in on my favorite. Enjoy.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Dinner with Oma and Papa 2015

... and LITTLE WILL with April & Ben!

Merry Christmas 2015

Christmas Morning 2015 on the Stairs

My tribute to Karin Walsh Faulkner. But, no, I couldn't get them to wear matching pajamas this year.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve 2015

... it was SO very special to have the Thompsons, the Compares, the Herreras, the Cloers, and the Newtons ALL TOGETHER! Our most special guest, Shana's Mamaw, Grace Cloer ... who just turned 91!  I SO enjoyed doing the Advent Wreath and playing guitar as we all sang Christmas carols together!  Mamaw's smile was priceless!  AND it was little Will's first time participating!!!