Thursday, February 25, 2016

Friday, February 19, 2016

Annie's Chosen Face Paint

Resurrection Eggs 2016

As usual, Mamma got out the Resurrection Eggs to prepare for Easter, along with us doing Stations of the Cross every Friday after school. This year, the girls always included the bunnies and are Resurrection Eggs. Mama also had to put candy in a eggs as well as the little symbols having to do with Christ's Passion. Next year, in order to make it more interesting, mama is going to have to create some new eggs to add to the passion story!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Annie has "Ass"

What was supposed to say, "Annie has a history test this Friday" turned into a very funny error. Unfortunately, Annie was mortified when I noticed this, and she ended up tearing up this paper. It no longer exists. I am so glad I got a picture for posterity!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Two Bunny Valentines (or Bunny and the Tramp)

The girls have decided to enter the photo contest in the mountain state fair next fall. They have always wanted to have Joe Bob and Kitty sharing a piece of spaghetti just like the 2 dogs in Lady and the tTramp. We attempted this today. There is a beautiful picture as a result, and many sunny out takes!

Happy Valentine's Day, Mamma!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

A New Favorite Daddy-Pastime: Publix

...  daddy is especially impressed that the lights come on in the freezer case as you walk by them.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Talent Show: Hercules Play & Hippies

Leia Rose played the Amazon Queen in a Hercules Play that the seventh grade did for the Talent Show through Mr. Morgan's English class. Annie's part of the historical presentation was a precursor to the choir singing songs from the sixties.  The third grade was staging a war protest, where they marched around saying, "Make Peace, not War!"

A Beautiful Winter Sunrise

Monday, February 8, 2016

Kitty and Annie in the Morning

Have I mentioned that the way I wake the girls up in the morning is by putting them into our bed and bringing Kitty to love on them? Actually, I bring Kitty up to Annie's room and she holds Kitty while I carry Annie downstairs on my shoulders. This and Full House make for a happy morning.