Sunday, December 31, 2017

It Begins ...

... and it continues.

New Years Eve in Newberry

... with the infamous Yule Log and the Thompson tradition of fighting over pictures in a big box. :-) here are a few of our favorites.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Monday, December 25, 2017

Papa's Wine from Locorotondo, Italy

Christmas Morning 2017

... the picture at the top of the stairs is in honor of Karin Faulkner.

Christmas Dinner 2017

With Oma and Papa and Auntie April and William. This year featured a very special gift for Papa, wine from Locorotondo, Italy! It is the small village where the Compare family is from!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Annie's Last Letter to Santa :-(

... Annie often keeps thoughts to herself, and when I asked her about Santa Claus a month or so later, she said she hadn't believed for a while. The irony is, it was the Elf on the Shelf, Peppermint, that convinced her. That was my fear all along. So here we have reached the end of an era, the age of not believing. So Annie made it to 11 years old, and Leia made it to 12.