Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Kitty : In Memoriam

Here is the last photo of our sweet bunny named Kitty. Always so very sweet, Kitry was always "dizzy" due to her vestibular disease. We were warned by the vet long ago that this condition would, someday, likely escalate quickly. It finally happened. We noticed her getting worse. I had let her out to hop around a bit, and she fell over, had a seizure, and died in my arms. She will be missed! Jo Bob (her bonded mate) would die within the month, of a broken heart. :-(
And my sweet Annie's reaction when we picked her up from camp with Luma and not Kitty. Poor Annie! She loved her bunny!
My very favorite picture Annie made of Jo Bob, Kitty, and Ollie. Our 3 original bunnies after Peri.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Leia's Edisto Souvenirs

Inspired by the ladies at the coffee shop, Leia decided to paint some beautiful Edisto shells and rocks. ... And draw a great self portrait (which may or may not be connected to the trip, but she sure did wear the sunglasses)!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Edisto with Family Friends 2018

Saw this decoration at the coffee shop and decided to try it at home. A LOT harder than it looks, but I did it! It is now at the top of our basement pillar.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Edisto 2018 Something New Boardwalk at Francis Marion National Forest

There is one extra day in between Family Edisto & Friend Edisto (and Annie's Camp Sewee), ... so we found something new and interesting: a boardwalk in the national forest!

Edisto 2018 Botany Bay Road

Edisto 2018 Annie Sunrise Biking & Reindeer Craft

Friday, July 20, 2018

Edisto 2018 Rainbow

..... aaannnnnddd yet another sad sunrise. 2018, not a good year for sunrises, but a VERY good year for everything else!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Edisto 2018 Whaley's Another Tradition

.... and another sad sunrise.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Edisto 2018 Sign of Our Times BEWARE OF ATTACK SISTER

Truly a sign of our times: BEWARE OF ATTACK SISTER. This was good for a great laugh because the girls ARE always fighting these days. At least the tide pools bring them together. These days, these fights would become my biggest sadness as a Mamma. My next sadness would come a year later: Leia losing her faith and leaving home at 17.

Edisto 2018 Sunset with Leia Double Rainbow