Saturday, December 28, 2019

Beautiful Pokemon Drawings By Annie

Using the art supplies that Auntie April gave to Annie for Christmas, she drew these amazing pictures of different pokemon characters, that she and layah have been fans of for years! They were so well done that I had them on the pie safe for a long long time!

Thursday, December 26, 2019

My Favorite Bird Feeder & an Unexpected Visitor

 One of my very favorite presents ever was a bird feeder that fits in the window with 1 way glass, said the birds can't see us.  This was actually a regift that Elaine once gave to shayna, but since it was never used it came to me! I am so glad! Over the years, I have had so many fathered friends visit! But this is the 1st time that a that a pilliated woodpecker visited! What a beautiful red head!

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Evening 2019 with Oma & Papa

It was so special to celebrate another Christmas Evening with a beautiful dinner prepared by Oma and Papa. How I wish Leia had been able to come! Also included is one of the most inviting images I know : Oma's and Papa's set table as seen from the outside on Christmas evening. A home truly a-glow with family love.

Christmas Morning Brunch & Presents 2019

It was so special to have us all together on this day! Some of these gifts were VERY special! Tom gave me a representation of Golgatha that he made himself. A gift like this truly shows we are a family and, as you can see by my face, I can't hold back the tears. I also gave Tom something priceless: Sunday School and Church Notes written and saved by Papaw (Shana's Grandpa) over many years, all typed and bound, ready to be read and kept for posterity. It was a far cry from the old hush puppy box full of yellow papers where these notes were originally kept. Further, Shana and I got yoga pose figures, ... and Leia and Harvest got brand new bikes!

Christmas Morning Family Photos 2019

Christmas Morning 2019

As usual, in honor of my late friend, Karin, I take a picture of the girls right before coming down to stairs Christmas Morning. This year was no exception ... but with an obvious difference. It is only our sweet Annie because Leia moved out. Although this would be a hard morning for me, I was so glad that everyone came to Christmas brunch, including our dear Leia and Harvest!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Eve 2019 : Mamma, Wrapping & Minty

One of Annie's very favorite things to do at Christmas (besides making a special craft for everyone she loves) is wrapping presents with me! Such a special time for us!  ... It's just not her favorite thing to have her picture taken. And for some reason, I got a kick out of finding one if the girls' favorite Christmas movies (that I used to HATE, but now it is so very special): Minty Christmas featuring the song, "Nothing Says Christmas Like a Pair of Socks."

Friday, December 20, 2019

Annie & the Huge Bunny Statue

At the movies with Alan & Cassie, we sure were in for a grand surprise! A HUGE BUNNY STATUE! So, ... with Annie wearing her favorite Legend of Zelda Christmas sweater, she decided to pose with the highest bunny! Shaped like lot like our own Kumo, actually!

A Holiday Tradition : Star Wars at the Movies with Alan & Cassie in 2019

This year, we were excited to see The Rise of Skywalker with Alan and Cassie! ... and the most amazing thing was, there was a HUGE BUNNY SCULPTURE outside the theater! We had to take photos!

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Immaculata Christmas Program 2019

Annie played the biggest speaking role in this year's Christmas Program :   the Angel Gabriel. We were so very proud of her! 

Friday, December 13, 2019

Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration 2019

Always one of my very favorite feasts in the church! 

Monday, December 9, 2019

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Monday, December 2, 2019

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Christmas Ring of Ribbon Now & Then

Here we have Leia in 2019 (at 17) with Harvest and Leia in 2002 (at 2 months) with the ring of green Christmas ribbon around her finger.  We have a silver Christmas ornament with a hidden area to put something in, and I quickly snipped the little ring of Griffin that went around laya's finger and have kept it in that ornament ever since! Harvest really loved sharing in this memory!

Our Christmas Tree 2019

 As usual, on the weekend after Thanksgiving every year we head out to shoal Creek Tree Farm to pick out our Christmas tree. This year for choosing the tree and for decorating, we welcomed Harvest to join us!! It was so fun to have the family all together! And as usual, it is a special activity to find the ornament with the small ring of ribbon that Leia had around her pinkie when she was newborn. Harvest got to share in that special moment!