Wednesday, March 25, 2020

My Favorite Place to be Every Spring

... under our yoshino cherry tree!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Annie's Wine Bottle School Art Project 2020

Based loosely on a Pokemon character, here is "Hatsune" ... which means "fox" in Japanese. I love this art project from Immaculata! I believe it was putting paper mache over a wine bottle to craft an original character. Leia did one as well when she was this age. (See below.) Today, I was volunteering and found the projects on display!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Monday, March 16, 2020

Remembering Childhood Friends from 1980 : Allison, Angie, & Lanie

In the 1970s & 1980s, it was all about the group of friends you had in your neighborhood. We were always outside on our bikes or playing kickball or Chinese jump rope, ... or inside listening to records, doing crafts, or playing dress-up. I had no idea this amazingly fun life in childhood suburbia would not be the same for my kids. 

By the turn of the century (no matter if we lived in a neighborhood or a rural area), it was all about "playdates." Why? Safety, I guess. No more just going outside or "can _____ come out and play?" I remember hearing the term "playdate," and thinking it was silly. Then I remember when I realized that the decisions made to fulfill my own dream (living in a rural area with woods all around) didn't make that kind of suburban life possible for my kids. Positives and Negatives about this, I suppose. But I remember a time when Annie and Leia felt sad about it. I wonder where they will choose to live, ... or if they will even have a choice.

Covid Toilet Paper & Disinfectant Shortage 2020

Being a personal shopper at a big box store, I see it all. These are the toilet paper and disinfectant shelves on March 16, 2020. Disinfectant I can understand. Toilet paper? Go figure. At least I get dibs on items when they first arrive!

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Covid Work Status 2020

... and a VERY common sight! ....

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Annie's Colored Pencil Drawings of Mario & Luma & Kumo 2020

Bound to be entered in the fair (and WIN), I am in LOVE with these drawing so much, I decided to display them on the dash of my car! Annie is so talented!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Wine Bottle of Our Italian Heritage 2020

I recently found out that where the Compare side of the family is from, the "heel of the boot" of Italy, and specifically Loco Rotundo (meaning "Round City") is famous for its wine. I found a local wine seller could order Antico directly from Loco Rotundo! ... I gave bottlea to aunts, uncles, cousins, and of course, my dad, ... anyone who would like one. After we tried the wine, I made lights out of them! Here is the result.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

After School Loving on Luma 2020

Annie loves her Luma!!.... With a sneak peek from Rasta Banana!

Monday, March 9, 2020

Wednesday, March 4, 2020