Thursday, April 29, 2021

Lunch Notes from Mamma

All through grade school, I tried to put special lunch notes in my girl's lunchboxes and personalize them. Just wanted to put an example here of one when Annie was in 8th grade. I love both my girls so very much!

Tuesday, April 27, 2021


SO HAPPY to Hear from Leia !

 My heart melted when I got this text from Leia today! It was so nice to know that I am thought of at least sometimes. I miss her so much! And it just so happens that I was wearing this shirt at Amazon today…

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Mamma & Miku

 Annie always asks me for pictures of her cat when she is in school. Here are the pictures I sent her today.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Entertainment & Episode with Annie

 Annie has been into this new game where your own dragon. I love it when she lets me watch her play! It would be a tradition we would continue. I really enjoy watching a bit of the legend of zelda games as well.
 Now, the following Screenshot needs some explanation. This is a good example of what an episode looks like with Annie before she was medicated properly for depression. Very few of these episodes are actually on text, so I thought I would include it here in case I ever need to remember in the future.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Monday, April 5, 2021

Second Covid Shot / Vaccination

 I was so happy to have gotten this vaccine, but I must admit that it hit me a lot harder than the 1st one! The next day I had to go home from work with a fever of around a 103! Brian never had an adverse reaction.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

An Easter Service in Clemson with Shana

Went to Easter Mass AND a Baptist service today at Tom Tom's church. They have a beautiful tradition of putting flowers in a wooden cross at the end of the service. It was fun to participate!
 Because only Annie was here for Easter and she doesn't like to have pictures taken, it was a little bit of a sad Easter. This is the Box of Easter gifts that I sent to Leia and Harvest. No response.