Sunday, August 29, 2021

Michael Franti 2021 : First Concert After Covid

 Even though we are introverted by nature, I can't express the joy of finally being at this concert after a year of it being cancelled due to Covid. When Frsnti spoke about it, the man cried. Yes, there were masks everywhere. Yes, there were fewer people. Hardly any food or drink to be had. Still, good music and the one love of All One.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

My Beautiful Leia

How I wish we were closer these days. My heart longs to hear from her in Oregon. But as you can see, we are getting there:

... and on another day a random text of:  "Mom, what was that book with the CD that paired dinosaurs and animals with musical instruments?" Went right up to the book nook and sent these:

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Annie is a Sophomore at Early College

 This is what I have resorted to because Annie doesn't like photos taken. 
And here is a picture for posterity. Annie always wants to wear the same shoes! So, ... just like her kitty stuffed animal "brown", I bought MANY pairs that she would wear all the way through high school ... until they were discontinued.
And I brought Miku to pick Annie up on her first Sophomore day.