Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Annie Orchestrates Miku & Bello Playdates 2024

Lol. It is not going well.:-D (See "Poor Bello" post.)

Bello 2024 : He's a Boy !

Look how cute I am! ... Please feed me!

Poor Bello 2024

Here is our poor Bello, high as a kite on pain meds, due to a punctured wrist. He went septic & needed strong antibiotics. But he's better now, ... So Annie thought it was time for ... PLAYDATES! 
Annie tried for two months for these to be friends. This is how it usually goes. Bello peeks in hope she will be his friend ... while Miku growls & hisses. This is usually followed by Annie saying, "Look! She loves him!"
This inspired Annie to send the following Tiktok featuring a little girl who insists her cat is "happy for me"  but is in fact a very unhappy cat.


Walmart : From Arden to Hendersonville 2024

Care of Papa caused me to move my workplace closer to their home, so I could use my lunch to assist them. Maria & Crystal cried. ... And luckily, Sarah wasn't far behind me.


No more busy body employees. No more full carts lining the chilled wall. No more disrespect splattered on the white board. 

We had gotten spoiled with Cat here for 3 years,... Now we were back to the usual new-coach-every-six-months and hell every day. NOW IM BACK WITH CAT at her request ... and a promise that "this is it" until retirement.

Here is what I left:
I love it at 1242 (dispite thw cultural divide and obvious white privelege.). And Sarah is with me! 

Taking Care of Papa 2024

Papa went to the hospital and then to rehab for a few months due to high blood sugar. Oma is unable to administer medication properly anymore, due to her own dementia (which appeared after her emergency hernia surgery). This means it is up to April & I to honor their wishes to stay at home. So this is what a majority of our lives is about these days. Labeling and taping sugar monitoring items, so they are not misplaced. Going over on my lunch hour to give insulin. Having April work with Oma via FaceTime with meds and long-acting insulin. Writing a list to help Oma keep track of activities. Cleaning up poop explosions. Reminding about nurse and PT visits. Putting pills in Papa's mouth to make sure he takes them. Life is difficult right now, but this is truly a labor of love.