Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

Annie's First Day of School 2011 (Last Year of Pre-K at Mountain Sun))

How sweet and bittersweet it is to have Annie start her very last "first day" of Montessori school today! It's the very last year of the Montessori method for any of us, but what a wonderful way to start my sweet Annie's education, ... especially because this year Mountain Sun Community School moved to the much more natural setting of Keystone Camp! Now Annie will be surrounded by horses, chickens, dogs, and other barnyard animals! Annie is in heaven! ... but Mamma still gave Annie that special "Kissing Hand" to keep Mamma with her throughout the day. Now whether she is at circle or inside wearing her new "Annie" bunny slippers, playing outside or even eating some special heart-shaped chicken nuggets (a surprise lunch from Mamma), she can know that Mamma's love is with her always.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

"The Frumps" at Dollywood

Daddy deemed this picture "The Frumps" as a result of the girls' reaction to the pig-on-a-spit barbeque at Dollywood. We sent it via cell phone to Grandpa, our official barbeque judge of the family. He loved it. : )

A Perfect Representation of Annie's (Mountain Sun) Owl Class at Dollywood? : )

First Trip to Dollywood (2011)

What a WONDERFUL time we had here! You know, we're beginning to adore this place even more than Disney World?!? Inexpensive, great rides, great food, great crafts, ... great adventure. We loved it! As you can see, the girls loved the train ride on the real steam train (and I remember from long ago the bits of coal that wound up on our clothes from riding it), ... but they weren't thrilled about the loud whistle. Ha! And can you believe that Dolly's carousel had a bunny AND a kitty to ride?!? In regards to the food, the grilled corn was a bigger hit than the pig-on-a-spit (for everyone except Daddy). Of course, we made our tradition inexpensive souvenir Dollywood penny and took one more trip back to the "County Fair" section that had great rides and wonderful easy-to-win games with great prizes! The only thing I didn't get a picture of was Adventure Landing (because no cameras or bags are allowed). With adventure music playing, we traversed rock walls and type ropes!!! We felt just like Indiana Jones!

Sevierville: Meeting Dolly Again

Due to all of her love and support for Sevierville, Tennessee, the community erected a beautiful bronze statue of Dolly Parton in front of the town courthouse. I remember watching the dedication ceremony on TV in the late 80s. Anyone who knew me during my grade school and high school years, knew that I was a HUGE fan of Dolly Parton. During my visit to colleges in high school, Mom and Dad took me to Sevierville to see this statue. It was a highlight for me. (See bottom picture of me at 15.) As we were on our way to Dollywood, we took a wrong turn and I saw the courthouse from far away. I asked Brian to return so that I could see Dolly once again.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Chuck E Cheese & Chicks: A Special Day with Annie

These few days before Annie's school starts afford me some special time with my baby love. : ) Today Annie and I spent the morning at Chuck E Cheese (which was totally vacant except for us, of course), ... and where my favorite "game" continues to be "Chuck E's Sketch Pad" which simply takes a picture and Chuck E "draws" your portrait. Always a great memory of the visit. Then Annie and I went over to Mina's house, ... Mina is Annie's friend from school who has lots of barn animals. Annie got to hold the baby chicks and collect some eggs!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Our Thursday Breakfast Tradition

Although Leia usually chooses Subway for her special breakfast with Mamma every week, today we chose Nibs Coffee Shop because it was such a special day.

Leia's First Day of Third Grade 2011

... complete with "The Kissing Hand" so Mamma's love can stay with her all day. : )

Leia with Morgan Konsler and Molly Murphy on the first day assembly.

Saturday, August 13, 2011