Monday, August 29, 2011

Annie's First Day of School 2011 (Last Year of Pre-K at Mountain Sun))

How sweet and bittersweet it is to have Annie start her very last "first day" of Montessori school today! It's the very last year of the Montessori method for any of us, but what a wonderful way to start my sweet Annie's education, ... especially because this year Mountain Sun Community School moved to the much more natural setting of Keystone Camp! Now Annie will be surrounded by horses, chickens, dogs, and other barnyard animals! Annie is in heaven! ... but Mamma still gave Annie that special "Kissing Hand" to keep Mamma with her throughout the day. Now whether she is at circle or inside wearing her new "Annie" bunny slippers, playing outside or even eating some special heart-shaped chicken nuggets (a surprise lunch from Mamma), she can know that Mamma's love is with her always.

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