Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mountain State Fair 2011

The irony of this year at the fair was that the girls' very favorite activity was this "Snake Adventures" peep-show. (It's one of those things that you pay a dollar and get to walk around a trailer with strategically placed windows/habitats.) They LOVED it, ... and wanted to go in TWICE! Other fun all pictured below, ... they got to meet a real lama, eat soft serve ice cream (of course), see the pig racing (finally, not sure why we hadn't done that before), saw the "bunny show" (which I'm convinced Annie thought was a bunch of highly animated real bunnies doing fun things. It wasn't.), entered the petting zoo, RODE A CAMEL!, did a virtual deer hunt (Annie got one!), pretended to pilot a real helicopter, saw baby piggies, visited their recycled art projects (Leia won 2nd place (and won $5 & Annie won the highest she could which was a dollar prize for being a "Participant."), saw the big veggies, touched the winning pumpkin, went to the circus and saw doggies going down a slide AGAIN! (we have a grand memory of Leia laughing at sheepdogs going down a slide a LONG time ag0), ate a bucket-o-fries (daddy's highlight), won overpriced stuffed animals at the water-shoot game, RODE THE MECHANICAL BULL, saw craftsmen at work, rode lots of rides, ate candy apples, saw Mountain Dan carve an eagle, posed on "Big Green Tractors," and rode the skyway many times!

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