Friday, January 20, 2012

Leia's Third Grade Family History Project

This year, Mrs. Garcia always instructs the children how to do the research on their family history so as to make a beautiful coat of arms.  Leia did a wonderful job in researching and writing and cutting and pasting.  The result was spectacular and would be hung in her room for all time.  Learning about the family history was fun, even for Mamma.  The most surprising things we learned were from Brian's side.  The first Thompson born in America was  named "George Washington Thompson."  We also learned that Brian is full Scottish!  (Everyone always thought they were English!)  Here are some things written on Leia's Coat of Arms:

Daddy's Side:  Moses Thompson came over from Scotland in the early 1700s.  Moses' grandson, the first Thompson born in America in 1791 was named George Washiington Thompson.

The Thompsons moved to the South and my great great great grandfather foughtin hte Civil War for the Confederacy.

Mamma's Side (From Oma):  Baby Jacob Fruehauf (my great great great grandfather) came to America in 1851.  He learned to walk on the boat!  I still have the bag that carried his baby things!  Jacob came from a French and German province called Alsace-Lorraine.  Jacob grew up, moved to Buffalo, New York, and planted chestnut trees all along his own street which is called Fruehauf Avenue.  My great grandma and great aunt still live on that street, and the chestnut trees are still there!

Mamma's Side (From Papa):  Salvatore Dominico Compare and Rafaella Capaccione Compare came from Rome, Italy to live in America in 1906.  The other side, the Bufano family, came from Loco Rotono (or "Round City") from the "heel" of the boot of Italy.  They all came through Ellis Island.  At Ellis Island the name was pronounced com-PARE instead of the Italian com-PAR-e and Rafaella started calling herself "Fanny."  She had an Italian restaurant in Wildwood, New Jersey called "Fanny's."  Mom and Oma still make the spaghetti sauce and bracciola!

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