Saturday, June 30, 2012

Annie's AMAZING Mountain Sun Collage Projects!

Almost every day at Mountain Sun, Annie colored a "mandala." There was such a plethora of these beautiful, colorful circles by the end of the year that Annie and I decided to combine them together into a huge piece to hang in our home. Annie also put her very first poem on there to be remembered:

the birds chirp
and the chipmunks chatter
and the owls hoot
and the dolphins splash
and the kittens meow

 (I bet she wishes now she had added "and the bunnies hop"!) But I think this one was more about different animal "sounds." :-D Annie felt VERY strongly that she also wanted to make a smaller one to hang in her own room, so she did! In the bigger one, the center pictures are the birds tweeting from the whistling song in Matilda (or at least Annie's imagination of such). In the smaller one, Annie had fallen in love with the kitties from a card a teacher had given her, so she included those.

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