Friday, September 14, 2012

Annie & Leia Read at Mass

 Today was the very first time Annie read at Mass, ... and she got to do it with her sister, Leia! :)  Today they had any kindergartener who had a sibling participate in this way, ... and it was just SO beautiful!  The girls did part of the intercessions.  (I am convinced that Annie was given her second response here because of her Great Grandma Betty's recent passing.) Here is what they read:

Annie:  That we always offer praise and thanksgiving to God for all the gifts we receive.  We pray to the Lord.  (Lord hear our prayer.)
Leia:  That the poor, the hungry, the oppressed, and the sick may trust that God always cares for them because of our helping them.  We pray to the Lord.  (Lord hear our prayer.)
Annie: That all the faithful departed may enter into the divine embrace of the Holy Trinity.  We pray to the Lord. (Lord hear our prayer.)
Leia:  God, who loves us, help us understand your great love for us and make us always ready to respond to your love.  We ask this through our risen Lord Jesus Christ, who lives with you forever. Amen.

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