Saturday, January 12, 2013

Annie's "Bunny Family"

"Mamma, ... Now take a 'cute' picture."

Friday, January 11, 2013

Leia at Mr. Mustard's Cafe

It was Leia's week this week, ... she felt so special and so "grown up."  :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Twins? ...

Nope, ... Leia Rose & Harvest playing Minecraft together!  :)

Sculpey Figure Hospital, Circle Emergency Room :)

Monday, January 7, 2013

A Happy New Year from Japan!

Today Leia Rose received a very special calendar for New Years from Yukino, a very special pen pal from Japan!  It totally made her day!!!!

This is Yukino, Leia's very special pen pal from Japan!  This picture shows that Leia sent Yukino her "Flat Stanley" so that he could travel the country.  This is Flat Stanley in front of a Japanese grocery store.   :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Black Forest Restaurant with Family

After Mamma & Daddy got back from their movie date, Oma and Papa joined us for dinner at Black Forest, a German restaurant we have always wanted to try.  During dinner Leia continued her tradition of wanting to look "grown up" and the tradition of being upset when anyone (i.e. Mamma) told a funny story featuring herself.  ("Let me guess, NOW you're going to put that in the CHRISTMAS LETTER, aren't you?!?  Ugh!")

... and Annie continued her tradition of eating lemons.  :)

Leia's Sweeping Machine

Leia made this REALLY cool "sweeping machine" out of Tinkertoys today at Oma's house while Mamma & Daddy went on a date to a movie they wanted to see (about Lincoln).  I told Leia that this machine was so ingenious that she should change her desired profession from Dentist to Engineer.  ;)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Annie Sings in the Angel Choir

Today the Kindergarten sung in the Angel Choir a song at the Presentation of the Gifts called "A Stable in Bethlehem."  Annie's pride in her singing shows in her smiling face!

Mr. Mustard's Cafe: Renewing an Old Tradition

No one felt more special today than my little Annie! ... For today Mamma restored a tradition that she began long ago:  to take each child out to breakfast every other Friday during the school year.  (I learned about this awesome tradition from one of my students from Sacred Heart Academy long ago who was born into such a large family that this tradition was the only time she had alone with her mom, ... it was so special to her she wrote her college application essay about it.)  From now until my girls go off to college, every Friday school-morning, I will be taking either Annie or Leia (one every other week) out to Mr. Mustard's Cafe in Hendersonville.  It's a fairly fancy place with a Beatles theme VERY close to school.  Great service, great food, & even GREATER company  :)  It's a special time for each of my children individually, ... and since this is Annie's first year at Immaculata, I let her go first.  We had a wonderful morning talking about everything from school to stuffed animals!  Just look at my little, special Annie sipping her orange juice!!!  :)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Hairstyles, Lots of Pampering!

Today I took both Annie and Leia to get their hair both washed, cut, and styled.  It was the first time either of them had the full treatment done.  Annie LOVED it! ...

... but Leia did NOT.  She actually cried because she's so "tender-headed."  :(  I held my poor love's, hand most of the time.

Here is the result.  Annie's still is really different, but Leia's was just a trim.  What beauties!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Mary Statue at Church

The picture doesn't do justice to this BEAUTIFUL new statue of Mary at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church.  Today Father Robert blessed the statue and talked about how it would be a special addition to the chapel downstairs.  Mary's eyes are absolutely BREATHTAKING! ...  And the eyes of my girls are pretty sparkley as well.  :)