Sunday, February 2, 2014

Annie Learns to Ride a Two-Wheeler

Today Anne got on her bike and rode! What I love the most is that Annie is sticking her tongue out a little bit because she's concentrating so hard. She did the same thing when she learned to walk and when she learned to crawl and when she learned to do absolutely anything that took any concentration. I love Annie's sweet little tongue! The irony is, it was like pulling teeth to get her on for the last couple of weeks. Turns out she could do it automatically! Both my children have been the same! Both of them have just gotten a bike and written! Hooray for Annie!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! Congratulations Annie. Remember when you taught me to ride a 2 wheeler, Noelle. I didn't catch on as easily as your girls. Thanks for teaching me. I love you.