Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day 2016: Mamma & Girls

Memorial Day 2016: Traditions

Lots of boating, lots of visitors, lots of swimming, lots of tubing, lots of boiled peanuts!

Memorial Day Weekend 2016: Sunset

Memorial Day Weekend 2016: regular .... BUNNY!

Memorial Day Weekend 2016: GRANDMA CAME!

... was a beautiful weekend on Lake Murray (when it wasn't raining). We were SO happy that Grandma was feeling well enough to join us! And Grandpa ... well, he actually vacuumed the boat while we were on it! When a Thompson man has to "fiddle," he HAS to fiddle! A new joy for the girls was listening to the Legend of Zelda orchestral soundtrack while we were boating. They REALLY enjoyed it!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Annie's Triple Scoop

Leia's Bunny Photo Shoot (at Oma's & Papa's)

Bunny's First Car Ride

Baby bunnies like very small places they can wriggle into, and my car has these two tiny windows beside the dashboard. ... Perfect!

Baby Bunnies Visit Oma & Papa

... and even Papa's famous "lamb-chop face" made an appearance! Oma loved holding them and was surprised at how big they were already.

When Annie is Concentrating ...

... she always goes up on her tippy-toes, ever since she was very little. In this case, I am hearing Annie her spelling words. Just one of those every-day things to remember and enjoy.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Waxky Day 2016

Snuggling with my Annie

Leia's Newest Character: Zen Cat

Leia's Triple Scoop

Morning Piggy Back Ride

... daily, before school, usually with a bunny. :-)

Baby Bunnies: One Week Old

This is "Whale" & "Dove." "Fritter" is in the group photo. Two brown boys. One little girl who is colored just like Joe Bob, her daddy. Eyes still not open. Fully furred out. So sweet!
(And ... Annie as a bunny.)

Why Dove is Called "Dove"

... because at the Children's Mass on Friday, Annie was called to notice this church window. :-)

Friday, May 20, 2016