Sunday, September 18, 2016

Malachi Siltzer: Heaven Gains a Saint

In late August of 2016, we lost one of Immaculata Catholic schools classmates, Malachi Siltzer. We went to a beautiful Memorial mass and celebration of his life afterwards. Malachi wished for every child at Immaculata to receive a Coca Cola and a Chick-fil-A sandwich after his passing. It happened just as he wanted! It was a beautiful service, with a beautiful blue light, very mystical, appearing behind the yellow flowers and slowly making its way up Heaven word. I took that as a sign that Malachi I was going straight to heaven, and had come down to listen to his father speak about him. It was a sad goodbye, with Leia making a beautiful paper crane and honor of Malachi and putting it by the memorial book. There was a lot of rejoicing as well, however. Those with great faith are surely with Jesus!

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