Sunday, October 1, 2017

Annie Turns Eleven 11 HAPPY BIRTHDAY

The first picture is included here for a reason. This is Annie's exact reaction to receiving her new bunny, Luma! This was the true highlight of the day! This present, of course, is from Oma and Papa. The Day began with Annie opening one or two gifts and after school going to p f Changs! Then later we opened gifts with Oma and Papa and Shana and harvest. The final pictures are the way the girls came up with the name Luma. A Luma is a little yellow star in the Mario games. It turns into a bunny! The perfect name for a sweet girl mini rex bunny. During this gift, I read Annie's essay. See a previous post for the full essay text. Another fabulous gift of the day was Daddy's trip for Annie and Leia to Carowinds!

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