Saturday, October 27, 2018

Leia's Sweet Sixteen 16 Bonfire : A Beautiful Story of Harvest & Leia , Pre Relationship

More than anything, Leia wanted a bonfire party with all of her friends as she turned 16 years old. She got it! ... and much more! ...

Now, I am going to admit this is third-party information, but supposedly it was this night when Harvest noticed other young men their age definitely present, ... and decided that, very soon, he better pursue Leia before someone else did.

As a further bit of information, Shana revealed that Harvest asked her to guess how long he had "liked" Leia. The answer? For the last three years! What a beautiful start to a life-long relationship! 

In truth, Shana and I used to dream about our children getting together as a couple (which would make us truly sisters), ... although we were very careful not to reveal our wishes. Fast friends since 9 and 11, ... the two got together naturally, ... and we couldn't be happier!

Leia's Sweet Sixteen 16 Bonfire : Friend Party

A good time was had by all: Jordan, Luke, Leia, Becky, Grey ... and others not pictured above: Becky, Harvest, Annie M, Annie, Annalie, Shana, etc. (See previous post.) One of the highlights was Annalie throwing her End of Grade Testing books on the fire! Apart from these few pics, I tried to remain scarce. ;-)

Leia's Sweet Sixteen 16 Bonfire : Pre Friend Party

Friday, October 26, 2018

Happy Sweet Sixteen , Leia

Happy Sweet 16 ,  my beautiful Leia!! We have a big party planned in a few days, but for now it's our small family party at Sierra Nevada (Leia's choice)! Her dinner features her very favorite soda.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Making Our " Girl's Rosary " on the Blue Ridge Parkway: Plus, a Small Miracle!

Whether you see an M for Mary or an angel, it is still a small miracle in the clouds after praying the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.

Leia & an Intense Love of Fire ... On the Parkway

... all she needed to do was find a lighter. Pyromania? Nah, just an intense love of fire.

Above the Tunnels on the Parkway

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Mamma & Shana See Godspell

Such a special birthday present from Shana! (Unfortunately, Leia and Annie really don't prefer musicals.)