Thursday, October 31, 2019

A Special Trick-or-Treat with Oma & Papa : Halloween 2019

 One of our favorite things to do on Halloween is surprise Oma and Papa with our trick-or-treat on Halloween night.

Halloween 2019 : Our Last Time Dressing Up

 Annie and I had a fun Halloween together dressing up as up as Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon and me as a giraffe. It is quite popular these days to wear Halloween Halloween costume onesies, that double as house attire in the Winter. It was fun to see all the houses we would frequent frequent in Carolina Meadows for the last time.

Last Halloweeen Dress-Up at Immaculata

 Today was the last day any ever dressed up at her grade school for Halloween. She was toothless, the dragon from How to Train Your Dragon for Halloween.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Carving Pumpkins 2019

Always a bunny on Annie's pumpkin, and this year is no exception. Scroll down and see how Annie really doesn't like her picture taken. I didn't catch Leia and Harvest csrving their pumpkin this year, but the "L ♡ H" speaks for itself.

Annie as Saint Barbara : Immaculata Saint Museum 2019

Here are Jaqueline, Annie, and Annie M as 3 Saints in the  Roman Catholic Church. Annie is Saint Barbara this year, as you can see she is holding a palm leaf in representation of Saint Barbara being a martyr. In true immaculative fashion, instead of dressing in Halloween costumes, the 7th and 8th grade do a saint museum, presenting a collection of saints to the parish and school. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Baby Bunny Kumo on the Parkway & in My Purse at Pisgah Inn 2019

 There is no better way to celebrate fall, than to head up to the Blue Ridge Parkway with a baby Bunny whose eyes have just opened! We put that Bunny in my purse and headed to the Pisgah Inn, one of the favorite memories of both girls in their childhood! We only wish that Leia could have been with us this time!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Annie & I in Gatlinburg 2019

 Annie wanted a special birthday trip with mamma, and she chose Gatlinburg Tennessee! So we rode all of the skylifts, went to Ober Gatlinburg, walked the sky bridge, And did all of the downtown Gatlinburg activities! We even found a shop called "thistle dew nicely", which is the same play on words of our Edisto house that we all stay in each year. Of course we had to take a picture of Annie by the wax figure of trump and saying "this is going to be huuuuuge!" On the way back I even saw the neighborhood that Papa used to be very interested in back when I was a teenager, Cobbly Knob! It was a beautifully memorable mother/daughter trip!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Leia Turns Seventeen in 2019

Our Leia just turned 17 !  And we were so happy to celebrate her birthday this year with Harvest, her boyfriend, as well!  For her big gift, she really wanted a digital art sketch pad. So that is what we got her! She would use this item for years and years! You can also see evidence of the activities that Leia and Harvest like to do together. Lots of hiking boots, gaming, and Marvel items !

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Happy Birthday Mamma 2019

Thank you, Shana (and Petey!), for making this such a special day for me!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Special Spot at the Clemson Botanical Gardens 2019

 Shana and I would often go to Mass together on Sunday, this is after I would go to Mass with the family on Saturday night. After each Mass we would often go to the botanical gardens at Clemson. There is a special spot under the trees with a little squirrel figure where we would love to sit and have lunch.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

A Late Birthday Present : Japanese Candy Store 2019

 There is nothing both girls like more than a trip to the candy Isle of our local Japanese market! Pockies and guava candy galore! Happy late birthday, Annie!