Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Oma Before Emergency Hernia Surgery

 Let this be a lesson to anyone who has a hernia but can still put it back in their abdominal cavity themselves. Oma has known about this for years and put it off but was told that someday it would become an emergency situation. That day has come. It came out couldn't be put back in and became impacted. Now she has to have emergency surgery with anesthesia that she has never had before. As a result her mind would never be the same. So this is the last picture of Oma with her mind as it was when I grew up. There would be severe delusion first (thinking she was in Buffalo and going to walk home) followed by short term memory loss and days where "my mind just isn't doing well today" and times where she would get lost driving. Taking coconut oil, lions Mane mushroom, and cinnamon would help things a bit, but not get her back to her old self. Poor Oma.

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