Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Synod Aftermath

Proud of the groundbreaking progressive response to the Synod, I sent my reports directly to Pope Francis. Amazingly, I heard from Thierry Bonaventura, the Synod webmaster who asked if he could publish a few of the testimonies. Of COURSE I said yes to the Vatican!! 

Little did I know it was going to be called "Testimonies of Three Homosexual Couples." This would have been wonderful EXCEPT it made it seem like the 3 couples were sitting in our pews (they weren't), so it mad our parish seem like a very progressive parish not following the Catechism.

There was major backlash from a conservative group called "Church Mitant." And, supposedly, I was made either a hero or a villain all over the internet. 

The whole thing caused me so much anxiety that I STILL haven't read either article. (The links are below.) HOWEVER, I am.SO GLAD this happened the way it did. It may be the ONLY way those beautiful couples' stories would be heard, considering the conservative nature of our diocese, our bishop, and the USCCB.

This is how I found out about the incident, ... what follows is the email from the Diocesan Leader of the Synod, Dr. Rovarti (links included):

Dear Reverend Cook and Noelle,

The diocesan communication office reached out to me to alert me that Church Militant wrote about the synod in your parish. Here is what they told me.


This May 9 “article” criticizing the Synod and claiming the Vatican is pro-homosexual includes information about the Synod leader and process at Immaculate Conception Church in Hendersonville. Church Militant is hardly accurate or fair – it is a hate-filled and radical source of “news” that has been condemned by multiple bishops (including their local ordinary), but I’m bringing it to your attention because this is something that could get picked up by more mainstream blogs and news outlets.

The original information Church Militant is describing can be found here: https://www.synodresources.org/247276/

If Church Militant or other publications reach out to ask you questions, please make sure to reach out to me and the communication office before answering. Liz Chandler, the Communication Director, is copied to this email.


Alessandro Rovati, Ph.D.

Synod Contact Person
Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte
Chair and Assistant Professor 
Theology Department
Belmont Abbey College

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