Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Leia Comes Home to Find Bun in the Storage Room : How I Miss My First Born! 2020

 I'm trying to find Bun for Leia, I went up to her old room which had been closed since she left. It hurts so bad to see that room untouched since she went away lady December. Everything was in the same condition. I even found a note up on the window of pros and cons about leaving home. Eventually, we would let Annie take over the entire upstairs.
 This is a strange picture to include, but it carries some special memories, and Leia still treasures this desk and shelf to this day! The small burn mark is on the bottom of the shelf connected to my childhood desk given to me by grandma staggers. This was from a time when I had a small lamp and a doll named Urchin who fell on to the lamp. Urchin almost burned, and we had to throw her away because her head had melted on the top. Then I put the same lamp under the bottom of the shelf and almost burned the shelf as well! This helps me remember my childhood and my one of my favorite dolls named urchin. I am so glad that Leia would end up being nostalgic for so many things, including my childhood desk! Now it travels with her everywhere she goes, even Portland Oregon eventually.

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