Sunday, December 3, 2023

Christmas Card 2023

Annie is 17, a junior at Early College HS & valedictorian with hopes of the Ivy League (or UNC Chapel Hill) to study Biology. Annie's 2 cats, Miku & Bello, are her loves while stained glass is her passion (Best in Show at the Mountain State Fair). The biggest news was her foreign study trip to Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands where, among other things, she caught & ATE a piranha!

  Leia turned 21 this year, graduated from BRCC & is now studying Biology (pre-med) at UNC Wilmington! Leia mastered the art of crocheting & makes many of her own clothes. Leia's fiancĂ©, Harvest, is also at UNC Wilmington studying filmmaking. They love gaming & the outdoors. The most exciting news? Marriage plans in the summer of 2025!

  Always grateful for our trips to Edisto Beach & Lake Murray (& Florida to visit friends & family), Noelle turned 50 (!!!) & lost 20 lbs. through the fast pace of personal shopping, kayaking & biking. Harvest's mom is Noelle's bestie, Shana, now successful at yoga & reflexology. We added parasailing to our adventures, but lost a great friend in Shana's dog, Petey. Brian still adores his job as senior chemist at Exela where he also works with his best friend. These days, his hobbies include playing Pikmin & collecting the music of John Williams.

  Most importantly, Annie & Leia & Harvest will be able to celebrate the holidays with ALL of their grandparents! In fact, Papa turned 80 this year! Thank you, God, for the gift of life & extended family!

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