Friday, March 8, 2024

Bonding Over Antique Wedding Attire

 Leia and I had such fun trying on the antique wedding dress that both Oma and I wore at our weddings.  I took everything out of storage and set it up for her, including 2 pictures of when it was worn and even the Catholic book of reading & gospel choices.  At her first Communion, Leia wore the dress that Oma & I wore as well. There was a possibility here for the next sacrament to also have a shared dress (& yes, it was my secret hope), but ultimately it is the bride's decision and Leia has something else in mind. But we still had a fabulous time trying on the vintage garments, and even my "going away" outfit and lastly, my "very 80s" prom dress. It is possible that the going away outfit (white gingham and lace jacket) might be worn again yet! Somebody is going to make a BEAUTIFUL bride in 2025!

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