Saturday, August 17, 2024

Annie's Safety Angel : A Gift for Her First "Real" Car

 Today is a very special day in that Annie is headed to Newberry to pick up her very first real car. It is a silver 2024 Toyota Corolla  With all the Bells and whistles!  It just so happens that Annie's car, Bryan's old car with 400000 miles on it, died while we were down in Newbury taking care of Grandpa after his surgery.  Mostly I was concerned that Brian wanted to put a salvage transformation in this very old car. I wanted Grandpa to convince him otherwise, but what ended up happening is Grandpa called one of his "guys" and found a car for Annie!  Anyway, there will be another post about the car but this one is about her safety angel. In 1999 I went to Canada with my students at Sacred Heart Academy and we went to Niagara on the lake which is a large quaint array of Shops. I fell in love with this little figurine and decided to buy it and save it for my very first child who would have a new car. I always hoped I would have a girl, so it was perfect. The little angel is holding a car in her hand and she has her Driver's license on one side and her past driver's test in the other. My idea is that Annie would put this little angel on the dashboard to keep her safe. But she can do whatever she wants with it. For me, it is a very important piece of nostalgia In that I was buying something for someone who was not even a twinkle in my eye. On the bottom of the angel it says, "For Annie upon getting her first real car 2024. She is your safety angel. Love, Moo"
 She has been sitting here in the Curio cabinet in the back since 1999 waiting for one of my first children to get a car. It just so happened to be Annie in that Harvest and Leia share a car together.

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