Saturday, January 18, 2025

Brian's 50th Birthday Celebration

Today was Daddy's big surprise birthday party at Sierra Nevada Brewery to celebrate Brian's fiftieth birthday! It all started with a suggestion from grandma. Then we all made it happen! All of Brian's family & friends were invited! And we all succeeded in making it a true surprise!
 Possibly the most special surprise for Brian was the attendance of his best and oldest childhood friend Kyle Martin.
 Taken from the video of the occasion, here is the moment of surprise. "Oh my gosh! I cannot believe this!"
[left to right] Mark Vedder, Kyle & his wife, Brian, Alan, D (Grandpa), Carol (grandma), Annie, Joe & Claire (Oma)
(2 tables due to the size of our party)
[Left to right] Brian, Mo & Elbin & Musu, Silas & wife, Benjamin & wife, Cameron & wife & daughter
I asked them to do a crazy picture. I guess this is how crazy scientists get. :-D
 And instead of gifts, I asked everyone to write a memory and a well wish for Brian so that I could include it on this art piece That everyone signed during the party. The next post will be some more detail on the gift.

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