Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"For the Children in Haiti"

The title of this post is Leia's usual prayer both at dinner time and at night. Ever since the huge earthquake in Haiti in mid-January, Leia has prayed and prayed along with us for the Haitian people, . . . especially the children. I tried to figure out something small we could do that would truly allow the girls to help the situation (more than just collecting change through school and giving a donation through church), . . . and the answer presented itself in the form of the girls' unused stuffed animals. Annie and Leia get so many of these stuffed friends, a few of them always get left by the wayside, . . . never truly to be loved. The girls themselves went through their bins and found ones they really wanted to give, . . . enough to fill a large box. Together we addressed it to the Pediatric Unit at the General Hospital in Port Au Prince, packed all those stuffed toys, and sent it off right away. In reality, it doesn't matter when the hospital gets the package. There will always be poor children there who will bear a smile at seeing one of these cute toys.