Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Such a sweet Halloween with no modern media characters at all, just a simple bunny and kitty. : ) A few cute stories here. First, Annie was such a sweet girl this evening, while we were approaching one house, I said, "Annie! Annie! Look! There's a bunny!" She immediately looked around frantically, saying, "Where?! Where!?!" I replied, "Right there! It's a little pink one, and it's SO cute!" Annie continued looking around until I went up to her and, very gently, said, "Annie, love, it's YOU!" Little Annie smiled really big! : ) Second, Leia's costume is the exact same one she wore when she was two (of course, it couldn't be a leotard, so we just made it a shirt). It's just amazing that she could still wear the whole costume with a new mask and tail which weren't really needed, just Leia's idea.

Bunny & Kitty Pumpkins

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Carving Pumpkins 2010

Today we were trying to figure out the number of years Leia has chosen to do the "kitty pumpkin" for her choice. I think this is the fourth year (only because before that we didn't have the stencil). As for Annie's pumpkin, well, Mamma used her ingenuity and morphed that kitty stencil into a bunny stencil. Add some roasted seeds and fun was had by all! : )

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Calico Critters Watching a Movie, by Leia

Annie Does the Hamster Dance

One of Leia's birthday cards featured an audio of the Hamster Dance. Leia loved it, but Annie REALLY loved it and spent the evening spinning and singing the silly words. Here is what her dance is based upon:

"Mamma, Can You Get Me a Cold, Cold Drink of Water with Ice?"

Making "Soup": An Common Outside Activity

My Beautiful Leia Rose

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Leia Makes a Wish

Happy 8th Birthday, Leia!

What a special day for our Leia Rose! It began with the traditional opening-of-one-present-before-school. Leia chose to open a "new" white kitty! Poor white kitty has been lost for SO long. She was a special present from Aunt Shirley from when Leia was around one year old, so I finally found another one online and bought it for Leia. Someday we'll find that kitty. I wonder if it's in with the Christmas stuff. Later it was time for Leia's "school party" where Annie and Mamma joined the class for lunch and we brought in a special "8" cake in honor of the day. The kids sang "Happy Birthday" and even "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow." After school I surprised Leia by taking her to the store and allowing her to buy ANYTHING she wanted. She chose a special doll whom she named Molly. I just love that I have children still of the age when they can't resist buying a new doll, even when they have tons at home. : ) Then that night it was time to party! Leia got everything she wanted: a pillow pet to match her sister's, an Aristocats "Marie" doll, a Calico Critters Car, a pair of kitty slippers to match her sister's, the Catfields (to match Annie's "Bunningtons"), and we ended the day with some special How to Train Your Dragon pajamas as we watched the movie, How to Train Your Dragon. A BIG hit!!!