Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Such a sweet Halloween with no modern media characters at all, just a simple bunny and kitty. : ) A few cute stories here. First, Annie was such a sweet girl this evening, while we were approaching one house, I said, "Annie! Annie! Look! There's a bunny!" She immediately looked around frantically, saying, "Where?! Where!?!" I replied, "Right there! It's a little pink one, and it's SO cute!" Annie continued looking around until I went up to her and, very gently, said, "Annie, love, it's YOU!" Little Annie smiled really big! : ) Second, Leia's costume is the exact same one she wore when she was two (of course, it couldn't be a leotard, so we just made it a shirt). It's just amazing that she could still wear the whole costume with a new mask and tail which weren't really needed, just Leia's idea.

1 comment:

Codruta said...

Bunny and Kitty got a lot of candies! I hope they had less then they collected!