Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Girls' Bunny & Kitty Party

What was so neat today was to see the girls get excited about their party TOGETHER! : ) This has never happened before (in that they have never shared a party before). Yes, Leia had to be convinced after seven years of self-parties, but now the girls are hooked! They girls chose the place (STJ's Inflation Station) and the themes: Annie's was a "Bouncing Bunny Party" and Leia's was a "Pouncing Kitty Party." The girls even chose the clothes themselves (their first presents of the day). Oh, it was SO hard to get Annie to take her bunny mask off for a picture! Ha! Then there was Leia's funny comment during the present opening (after getting frustrated that she had to share the attention with Annie), "Mamma! Can you PLEASE organize this better!" The favorite gifts of the day: Annie's THREE Bunny zu-zu pets (she already had another at home!) and Leia's special American Girl purse to decorate! And before everyone left, I just had to get a picture of the girls' "Logans." : ) But the best thing of all was that Grandma was able to attend! This is becoming a family tradition! : ) Why, oh why, didn't I get a picture of the girls with Grandma!?!

1 comment:

Nina said...

As Karin said, no one can outdo Noelle!!! Wow! What a party!!!