Monday, November 1, 2010

Making "Tickets" via Montessori

Here is an interesting Montessori connection: both Leia Rose and Annie (with no suggestion from home) began doing the "ticket-making" work at their respective Montessori Schools at the exact same age! I remember vividly Leia Rose coming home with envelopes of green "tickets" with holes punched out of them and different styles of edges. Well today Annie came home with one of those same envelopes with, sure enough, "tickets" of all shapes and sizes inside (see above). In looking at the side of the tickets, I could tell that Annie used a special scissors to make them. I just happen to have a whole collection of those special craft scissors, and I stared at them a LONG time today, wondering whether I should make them a Santa present. ; ) After thinking long and hard, I decided that this joy could most likely pass by Christmastime, so I promptly gave them to Annie with the instructions, "Let's make some tickets!" We DID!

1 comment:

Codruta said...

I am so happy to see you and the girls having all this fun!