Thursday, January 27, 2011

"A" is for Alphabet Book!

Little Annie worked SO hard on this book that I've mentioned before as The Alphabet uBook! I am so proud of her for completing it! My dedication in the back says it all:
  • Annie amazed her Mamma with the spectacular ability it took to make this book. Not only did Annie suggest every idea for every picture she took, cut them all herself, and glue them all herself, BUT ALSO (as an early four-year-old) wrote EVERY letter herself! I'll never forget her face looking expectantly at me, ... just waiting for the next letter so she could write it. My pride for Annie's ability grew with every letter she wrote. Annie also took all the pictures, ... except for the ones where she was the subject. And, oh, it was HARD to convince her to include the sleep ("seep") photo with her in it. Annie does NOT like the way she looks when she sleeps! it is also fun to note that most of Annie's photos are of animals, ... and t he dots on the pages were to "test" the marker. Annie is most proud of "rushing river." My favorite is "nun"! : )
Here are a few of my favorites that I put here: P is for Pond (can you believe Annie took this picture from the car?), I is for Ice Cream, (my personal favorite) N is for Nun (ha!), L is for Leia and Leaves, and H is for Hug. There were days that we worked on it at the little table, and then there were days that Annie wanted to work on it at her special desk in her room. No matter how you look at it, it was hours and hours of learning fun. So I guess I should end with "E" is for Exhaustion. Ha!

1 comment:

Nina said...

You mean E for enjoyable!!!