Thursday, January 6, 2011

Our Owl Angel

Over the course of a few icy days, our Jeep has landed in a ditch TWICE, and this is with intensely slow driving with caution. Once was just a few inches off the side of the road on the way to take Leia to school. The second instance was a bit more scary, the ditch on the north side of the mountain close to home, ... the other side of the road was a dropoff. I had just picked poor little Annie up from school, ... and it was afternoon (road still icy)! I was at a 45 degree angle, sitting sideways in the car, ... and I looked back at Annie buckled in securely, but with her eyes as big as saucers. I was able to open the door to survey the car, ... no damage. (???!!!) And as I look down at my feet there is this really strange little owl angel just sitting there. Originally a child's finger puppet, it was in pretty bad shape, so I added some accents like the button eyes. But I really felt like this was some kind of sign from God (or one of the saints?) that we are being kept safe. I spent the day trying to figure out whether Karin was partial to owls. (She wasn't.) Or whether my late Aunt Ree, who died in a car crash, was partial to owls. (She wasn't, ... only hummingbirds.) Therefore, I was unable to figure out the exact source of this blessing, but regardless, ... Our Owl Angel will remain in our car forever. Meanwhile, a kind soul with a 4x4 pickup truck pulled us out of there. Do angels wear baseball caps adorned with fishhooks, drive muddy pickups, and smoke cigarettes?

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