Wednesday, September 28, 2011

An Annie Moment: Leaf Men by the River, After School

On these few days left of Annie to myself after Montessori School half-days, Mamma wants to make the most of it! This year, we will spend our afternoons after school doing all sorts of things: playgrounds, reading books together (like Matilda and Pippi), swinging on the swings, ... and on the warmest days, lunch and play at our very special river spot! The latter is what happened today. A picnic at our river spot and a good read of the book called "Leaf Man" inspired Annie to make her own leaf men, ... I captured each with a click of the camera. And we returned by one of the highlights of Annie's life: Annie standing and enjoying the breezes and mountain music from the sunroof! (Not an easy picture to get, by the way.)

1 comment:

Nina said...

What an awesome idea!!! Don't know that book . . .