Saturday, November 26, 2011

Best Santa of the Year (at the Zoo Lights)!

Look at this absolutely WONDERFUL Santa Claus at the Riverbanks Zoo Lights!  And he came without pressure to buy a picture, too!  LOVE!  At nine years old, Leia is getting to the point where she assesses every Santa she sees as to whether he is the "real" Santa or whether he is a "helper."  Leia was SO disappointed this year to find that ALL the Santas we saw were helpers.  ; )  However, when Leia saw THIS Santa, she became VERY excited.  Down the line she kept repeating, "Mamma, ... Mamma! .... I think that's the real Santa!  I think he's REAL!"  She was SO excited.  Then immediately afterwards I asked her about her thoughts and she replied,  "**sigh** No, Mamma, it wasn't the real Santa.  He looked right, but his voice was wrong."  ; )  I feel profoundly blessed that Leia is still a true believer at nine years old.  Any year now, ... any year.  ; )

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