Saturday, November 26, 2011

Zoo Lights 2011

 I absolutely ADORE this picture during the "snow" at the entrance of the Zoo Lights at Riverbanks Zoo!!!  You can see the white flakes falling in the background and how happy the girls are to be dancing and spinning with their mamma within it.  This year's zoo lights had a "birdie" focus.  Annie wanted to take a picture by every lighted bird, ... and then ride the bird on the carousel.  Annie and Leia were each allowed to choose one thing they could do that cost extra money.  Annie chose the carousel (of course), and Leia chose the rock wall.  (And there she is at the TOP! [Gasp!])  The other favorite activity of the day was the aquarium part of the zoo, ... and I was especially excited about the video camera that allowed you to see the children from a fish's perspective!

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