Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Letter 2011

This season the Thompsons WON’T be dreaming of a white Christmas (last year’s was rough). Instead we’ll be praying to take none of these moments for granted:
    Leia is 9 now, & she spent the year absolutely in awe of her First Eucharist, when she turned to me & said, “This truly is a happy day!” It amazed us that Leia would often come to us and say, “Mamma, I really need to go to Confession. Can we find a priest?” We can thank goodness that Leia has this affinity, because Leia’s still working on her tact (as she is very outspoken) & getting along with her sister at the end of the summer. This year our Leia wowed us by dancing ballet to “Music Box Dancer,” & I cried when I gave her the very same music box (playing that song) that my Dad had given to me. This year, Leia’s looking forward to dancing in a production based on the biblical story of Abigail. Leia’s summer, after tackling a bout with insomnia (thank you melatonin!), was spent excited about all things Harry Potter, culminating in her really fun Harry Potter birthday party that included a real game of Quidditch! (Annie caught the golden snitch!) Leia has also been truly enjoying her 3rd grade experience at Immaculata Catholic School due to a teacher who truly knows how to make traditional learning fun: pasta day, Peter Pan, pizza-making, … & spring will hold the infamous “Chocolate Day” after reading Charlie & the Chocolate Factory!
    Annie is 5 years old & wants you to know that “it’s not just bunnies anymore!” Yep, bunnies are out & birdies are in! In fact, our little creature-lover has decided to be an “animal breeder” when she grows up. The inspiration for this was probably our newest addition: a pet cockatiel named “Teddy,” but whom Daddy almost immediately deemed, “Sir Tedward Grunion.” Much of Annie’s year was spent laughing at “Grunion eating onions & Funions” before she topped it off with a special “Birdie & Bunny” party for her 5th birthday. Annie absolutely adores her Montessori experience at Mountain Sun Community School where she is surrounded by lots of animals (as well as wonderful people)! Right up Annie’s alley! We all remain in awe of the truly Christ-like love with which Annie’s teachers live & teach, helping Annie actively look forward to an Immaculata kindergarten next year. (“School with sister!?!”) Annie has also added an activity to her week: gymnastics or “bouncing” (i.e. “balancing”) which she loves. In reality this morphed from wanting to try martial arts to be more like Kung Fu Panda, but seeing her love of animals, perhaps next year we need to consider 4-H. Annie’s still working on stopping her thumb sucking at night & not having tantrums when she’s tired (“I will just sit here & do NUFFING!!!”). Still, it has been a true blessing watching Annie transform from a loner to a truly social being!
    Further, both Brian and I are happy & thriving both in our primary vocation of parenting & our secondary vocation of work: Brian still in love with Chemistry & me still in love with editing (& both of us in love with Leia & Annie above all). Our whole family was blessed to see a piece of the True Cross (& many other relics) & experience the Holy Spirit as a result. Brian was wonderful support due to some of my minor health issues: carpel tunnel surgery on both hands, sprained wrists, & worn cartilage in my knees. All fixed now (except the latter, that I’m stuck with), & happy in living close to both Grandma & Grandpa as well as Oma & Papa. We even got to attend Great Grandma Betty’s 90th birthday party with the entire family in Buffalo this past winter (a VERY special occasion)!  Summer held visits from Annie’s godparents, the McNeils , Auntie April & Uncle Ben, and our good friends the Worrels, as well as constant communication from Leia’s godparents, the Cannatas, actively serving our country and stationed in Australia! Lake-Murray, Otter Creek Water Park, Dollywood, even me teaching some beginning Latin to the girls filled our summer, … as well as scarring our kids with a little bit of tubing during thunderstorms. (Leia is still afraid of clouds.) Still, no summer would be complete with our almost daily trip to the Davidson River with all of its joys & adventures. Fall began with the Mountain State Fair where both girls received cash awards for their recycled art projects. (Annie made a bunny out of a beer can & an old balloon while Leia made a little girl out of a shampoo bottle & a toothpaste box.)
    We had a nice jump-start on the season this year by riding the real Polar Express via the Smokey Mountain Railroad even before Thanksgiving! We followed that up with a turkey feast with the Thompsons, visiting the Riverbanks Zoo Holiday Lights & the Roper Mtn. Christmas Lights, finishing our Christmas shopping in its entirety, adopting an “Elf on the Shelf” named Peppermint, finishing a beautiful Christmas craft, visiting Santa [twice!], & even experiencing our first November snowfall(!) … all before Thanksgiving weekend was over! Could it be that we will actually be able to enjoy the peace of our Savior’s Birth this year instead of the hustle & bustle that often accompanies the holidays? I hope so!
    … and that peace is our wish for you, our dearest family & friends, this Christmas!
With Love from the Thompsons: Noelle, Brian, Leia Rose & Annie

P.S.  And as is our tradition, … some holiday laughs:

·         First, a little memory of some special words our children say.  Annie says “bemember” for remember, “bounce” for balance, “chickmunk” for chipmunk, “chlorox-reen” for chlorine, “tormado” for tornado, “pee-pee chicks” for peeping chicks, “pie-pet” for pipette (like a littlest petshop figure that likes to eat pies), “bof” for both, “wif” for with, … and even Leia insists that it’s “extracise” instead of exercise and a “corder” instead of a quarter.
·         Now for the true quotes:
Annie upon writing "letters” to Santa:  “How about ‘A,’ ‘Z,’ ‘P,’ ‘N,’ and ‘D’"?
·         Annie on Lent: "Jesus died on the cross for give us our sins." "Jesus said to his recycles, 'Do this in bemembrance of me.'"
·         Upon Annie saying, “Mamma, boring this is”:  I laughed & added, “Are you Yoda, Annie?” Annie replied, “No, … I’m BORED!”
·         Annie upon pondering love and family: “I still love you, Mamma.  I just love Daddy a little bit more than I love you.”
·         Annie upon reflecting on her homemade snow globe:  “I just love my snow glow!  See?  You shake it up and the glitter and beads swirl around!  Maybe at night, with a light behind it, the snow will finally glow!”
·         Annie upon naming her animal friends (mostly bunnies and birdies): “How about Caramel Apple, Muffin, Mushroom, Brownie, and Onion?”  Do you think she likes food?  Ha!
·         Leia Rose upon receiving the Body of Christ for the first time:  “Wow! Jesus tastes exactly like popcorn!”
·         Annie, upon pondering our wonderful home: “Mamma, I love this house.  Can we stay in this house forever?”  (I mentioned that someday she might find a nice young man to marry and that they might want to move into their own house.)  Annie thought a minute and said, “Hmmm, yeah.  Maybe when I’m an older kid.”
·         Leia on friendship: “Mamma, God made one of the girls in my class very special!  All of her fingers are different sizes! . . . just like how some snakes have two heads!
·         Annie (or is it Tommy Bailey from It’s a Wonderful Life?):  “Scuse me.  Scuse me!   Scuse me!  SCUSE ME! … I burped.”
·         Annie on snow: “What is it called again when it snows really hard?  Staples?”  “Do you mean a blizzard, Annie?”  “Yes, not staples, … a blizzard.”
·         Annie upon needing a nap:  "Mamma, this day was badder than any other day!"  And after learning that the word she needed was "worse," it was, "Then this day was WORSER than any other day, MAMMA!!!"
·         Leia upon me asking what color the mark on my face was, “Why do you want to know what COLOR it is on your face, Mamma?  What do you think it is, … termites?!?”
·         Annie upon hearing Daddy blow his nose:  “Daddy, when you blow your nose, you sound just like Chewbacca!”  Ha!
·         Annie upon hearing my explanation of septic tanks:  “Wow, Mamma!  You know a LOT of things!!!  I bet you know EVERYTHING!”
·         Leia, upon riding in a golf cart after a Furman Lakeside Concert:  “Oma, I’m gonna get a car that flies!  They’re gonna start makin’ those in a couple weeks!”
·         Annie on catching fireflies: “Mamma, this is my very favorite bug in the whole world!”
·         Leia’s definition of the Smart Car:  “Two people and a bag of groceries.”
·         Leia, upon climbing in the rock caves at Jump Off Rock:  “You don’t have to be big to be strong.”
·         Annie, upon hearing Leia describer her sister as “muscle-ey”:  “I am NOT a mussy ski!!!”
·         Annie:  “Nothing is good enough for me!”
·         Annie on pets:  “How about if we live with birdie until he dies!?!”
·         Annie on Leia’s love of Japan:  “You’ve gotta buy me lots of chopsticks someday, … because I really like that kind of town.” 
·         Leia, upon explaining the name of her imaginary pizza place:   “Yes, Mom, Ruffie’s Pizza, … Ruffies, … ‘Ruf’ like the sound a dog makes.  What did you think the dog’s name was, Eat-the-Poop?”
·         Leia on bubbles:  “What’re you talkin’ bout, Mamma?  Bubbles are for ALL ages!”
·         Leia, upon swimming in the lake:  “Ahhhh.  This water feels so good, I could eat the mangroves!”
Annie on reproduction:  “Oh Mamma, someday I want to get a girl bunny.  And maybe, if we put her in a cage, … and just leave her alone, … just maybe, … she’ll have babies!!! [clasps her hands together] oh, how I would LOVE to have baby bunnies!”
·         Annie upon snuggling with her special blanket she calls “seep” (sleep):  “Oh, I just LOVE my Grandma!  Mamma, I love my Grandma!  You know why?  You know WHY I love my Grandma?  My Grandma made me my special seep!  Oh, how I love my seep and I love my Grandma!”
·         Leia, upon hearing me say “Oh wow, Leia!  That picture of Harry Potter is really good!  You’re so good at art and music and school and making friends and learning about God.  Leia, I can’t think of anything you’re not good at!  Can YOU think of anything you’re not good at?”: [silence]  “Yeah, … I’m not good at going to sleep!”
·         Leia on wealth: "Mamma says that money isn't everything, ... but it sure does HELP."
·         Leia, upon running with me to get to yet another Dollywood rollercoaster:  “Well, Mamma, you’ll sure lose weight today!”
·         Leia upon printing two separate t’s and me saying, “Did you know you can cross two t’s as one?”:  “Is that even allowed in the spelling world?”
·         Leia, upon waiting for Daddy to get his late-night chicken from KFC:  “This place is very manly, … because everyone who comes out is a man!”
·         Annie, upon eating at Iannuccis:  “There’s nothin’ gooder than a patch o’ buttered noodles!”
·         Leia, upon watching Anastasia: “Oh, I just love that part in kid-romantic movies.  When they’re about to say I love you and they’re too scared to.”
·         Annie, upon considering what movie to watch: “I want to watch this jungle movie that Leia saw when she was three, … it was called ‘Hell.’”
·         Leia, upon seeing a picture of the inside of a cockpit at the Runway Café, “Wow!  That plane has too many gidgety-gadgets!”
·         Leia, upon hearing me imitate Daddy smacking his ravioli, “Mamma, you sound like a messy animal eating a small fruit.” Ha!
·         Annie, upon hearing lots of Dolly Parton on the Parkway, “I think that Dolly Parton is the goodest singer I’ve ever seen!”
·         Leia upon answering this test question “True or False, our founding fathers didn’t want a democracy, they wanted a dictatorship.”: … “A POTATO CHIP!?!  Hahaha!”
·         Leia, upon seeing the electric eel tank at Riverbanks:  “Wow, if we actually see an electric eel, that would be … SHOCKING!”  Ha!
·         Annie, upon seeing Santa on the Polar Express:  “Santa, I want two kinds of barrettes for my dolls:  the kind that go “boop, boop” and the kind that go “snap, snap.”
·         Leia, upon seeing Grandpa take pictures with his two brothers on Thanksgiving:  “What is this, elderly person picture day?!?”  Ha!

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