Saturday, December 24, 2011

Our Angel & Lamb: Children's Christmas Mass 2011

 It was so special to see Annie as our little lamb and Leia as a beautiful angel perform at the Children's Christmas Mass on Christmas Eve!!!  The girls were SO proud to be a part of it.  (Leia: "Can I be Mary, Mamma?  Can I be MARY?!?" Annie:  "Can I be a bird, Mamma?  Can I be a Christmas Bird!?!")  A couple of funny things that happened both involved Annie.  First, Mamma spruced up the the lamb costume given to us, ... unfortunately, the fleece I added wasn't glued on quite as well as I thought.  The result was that Annie was a SHEDDING lamb.  In fact, she shed so much, that I had to go up after Mass and clean up the area around the altar!  Ha!  Second, at the last minute, Annie was told to stay with the shepherds when they went to visit the baby Jesus; however, she went RIGHT UP and knelt in front of Joseph!  Ha! 

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