Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012: A Pirate & a Kitty

This year we started a new tradition of surprising Oma & Papa after Trick-or-Treating was done!

Annie's Halloween Afternoon

Annie, proud of her kitty cat costume!  She spent the afternoon gazing at herself in the mirror and flashing what we call the "Grandma Staggers Smile."  I've seen Leia wear this smile many times when she feels "pretty," but this is the first time I saw Annie smile in this way!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkin Carving 2012

Annie is VERY proud of helping to carve her kitty pumpkin this year!  (The design of her choice.)

Leia even designed her own pumpkin: a kitty "ghosty-gweeb." ;)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Leia's 10th Birthday

Continuing the tradition of mini-cupcakes in the shape of the proper number, this time DOUBLE DIGITS!!!

Another fun part to the day was "adopting" Leo, the 4th grade class class pet, a leopard gecko, for the weekend.

Leia was very excited to get her Hexbug Nanos, ... which skittered around the floor for a while.

BUT her pride and joy was the Lego Pirate Ship!

She really wanted a Novi Star as well, ... neat little alien dolls:  what will they think of next?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

When Annie & Leia Have a Daddy Weekend ...

... Shana & Noelle go to Dollywood!!!  :)

We visited Dolly's statue at the Sevierville Courthouse.

... and learned all about Dolly's tour bus as well!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Annie's 1st Kindergarten Field Trip to Holmes Educational State Forest

Mamma was in charge of Adrianna, Annie, and Annie's best school-friend, Angelina.  Mamma smiled a lot at the conversation in the car, ... as usual six-year-olds are very interested in animals, ... AND poop & potty talk.

One of the cool games they played with the ranger was Food/Water/Shelter.  In this way, they learned how deer population could be naturally controlled.

Then it was time for a visit from Smokey the Bear!

Traditionally, the Kindergarten field trip always ends with two things:   1.  A frolic in the meadow.  and ...

2. A run to the helicopter!