Monday, October 1, 2012

Annie's 6th Birthday

 Happy Birthday, Annie!!!  Annie turned six today!!!  We let her open one gift before school, a horsey barn that she had specifically asked for.  She was VERY happy about it.  (And I can't get over how much Annie looks like me when I was little in the above picture!)

 Keeping with tradition, I always bake a "number cake" with mini cupcakes for my children's actual birthdays.  (The "big" cake is saved for the party.)
 And, oh my, after school Annie was allowed to open a few more gifts, including her favorite (another thing she asked for):  a Fijit Friend.  Oh my WORD, this child was happy about this present (see below).

 Annie with her Fijit friend that talks, purrs, plays songs, and interacts with other Fijits.

 Later, Leia entertained us with "The Fijit Show"!
 Mamma's best friend, Shana, came to share in the party, too!!!
 ... and Annie LOVED the "piggy necklace" from Shana.  (So much so, that she tried to wear it to school the next day and have to have it taken away.  Oh my.)

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