Friday, October 5, 2012

Leia's & Annie's First Sleepover: Pirate & Delcatty Theme!

Today was Leia's and Annie's very first Sleepover Birthday Party!  Since Annie just turned 6 and Leia is turning 10 in a few weeks, they had their party together with two different themes.  Leia chose a Pirate theme.  Annie chose a "Delcatty" theme.  (Delcatty is a kitty-cat character from the Pokemon series, that Mamma doesn't really like, so she kind of made it a "Kitty/Delcatty Party" instead of the full-fledged Pokemon/Delcatty.)  Here are all the girls who attended the party, starting with Leia & going clockwise:  Leia, Lilly, Madison, Alexis, Kimber, Layla, Marlee, Aubrie, Angelina, and Annie.

One of the first things we did was play a few games.  Angelina won a kitty costume for winning "hot kitty" ... an adaptation of "hot potato."  We also played musical chairs to "A Pirate's Life for Me."  Leia's friend Lilly won a pirate sword (that she named "stabatha") for winning that game.
Then it was time to make some pizzas!!!  I told these gals to get creative so that they could tell which pizza was theirs.  We even had a bunny pizza in the mix!
There was a LOT of playing with Ollie and Teddy in the mix.  Here is Ollie in his baby clothes. Our two pets were (almost) the highlight of the party!
Aubrie, Annie, and Angelina were the first to the table for cake and presents!!!

Then it was time for the parties to separate while Annie's kitty-cat guests watched Milo and Otis ...

... and Leia's pirate-guests watched Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (an animated pirate movie).  At one point during the movie (while I hibernated in my room for a while), I heard Leia say, "This is the awesomest day EVER!"  Just what a Mamma wants to hear!!!  :)
Then it was time for "bed" ... as Annie's guests made up a new game (very much like Pippi Longstocking) ... no touching the floor allowed!!!  (Annie's guests slept in her room while Leia's guests slept in the basement.) The kids all got to sleep by 11pm or so, ... and if I had known that Leia's group set an alarm clock for 6am, I would have STOPPED THAT.  Ha!  I woke up to the booming sound of the music from Prince of Egypt, ... because the girls couldn't figure out how to turn the TV volume lower!
The next morning it was time for pinatas!!!  Annie decorated her Delcatty pinata herself!  I LOVED doing the pinatas that you actually whack (instead of the pull-string kind).  It lasted longer and let the kids really participate and cheer for each other!  There were lots of little-kid shouts of "You GO, girl!  You GO!!!"  Ha!  And afterwards, the house was trashed, but the kids were as happy as clams!!!

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