Monday, December 31, 2012

Annie's Favorite Ornament

 While we were De-Christmasing this year, Annie had to retrieve her very favorite ornament. (It's Mamma's favorite ornament, too! ... It features a beautiful picture of Mary & the Baby Jesus.) Not only did she snuggle with it, but she took it to school in a baggie to show everyone. 


It became a family joke after the girls made their Christmas gifts at Build-A-Bear, ... for Grandpa to claim, "I skipped Build-A-Bear and went right to Build-A-Burger."  We promised Grandpa that we would go to Build-A-Burger (i.e. Fuddruckers) on the way home on New Years Eve.  So, ... here we are.  And below is the girls building their burgers.  :)

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Yule Log 2012

It's tradition for Grandpa to light the "Yule Log" in the fireplace after Christmas on the first very cold night.  It's something the girls and I always wait for!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Mamma's Favorite Lake-Snuggle

New Years at the Lake

We went down to the lake with Grandpa to check on things, ... and Annie and I took this opportunity to do some "jumpin' hugs" just like we did on Christmas Eve at the Grove Park!  :)

We also did LOTS of snuggling on the dock!  Mamma LOVED this!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Night 2012

Opening presents at Oma's & Papa's house is always a highlight of our Christmas day.

The girls were the most excited to receive a track and zipline for their little battery-operated hexbugs. (Note that Annie is wearing her Christmas kitty shirt, that Mamma had to wash multiple times this season, as well as one of her new chewy necklaces from Santa.)
Leia loved her completed collection of Novi Stars.  Have there ever been more beautiful alien dolls?  ;)

Papa always gets the girls of the family some premo makeup to divide between themselves.  This year Mamma made the mistake of telling Papa NOT to include Leia yet.  Ha! ... She gravitated towards that makeup & ended up being included anyway.  Leia's not usually a girly-girl, ... except when it comes to makeup & hair.
Leia spent quite a long time putting some new "lego friend" sets together.  She was very proud to have done it herself.

And after dessert was over, Annie finally got excited about her la-la-loopsie doll that Oma bought her.  When she first opened it, Annie felt a bit "shy" about it.

Christmas Morning 2012: Happy Birthday Jesus

As is our tradition, in honor of Karin Faulkner, we take a picture of the girls in their jammies at the stair landing before they come down to see their gifts given in honor of Baby Jesus.
First thing's first! ... Baby Jesus found in the manger! ... and the girls bearing Him a Happy Birthday cake! ... only then is it time for Saint Nicholas ...
... and oh, did Saint Nicholas deliver!!!

Leia was amazed that the elves made her a selection of figures (that she secretly asked Peppermint for ... to check if Pep was really a "real" Elf on the Shelf).

Leia & her coveted hawk doll.

Santa surprised Daddy with our family in Star Wars AT-AT form!

... and Lego Lord of the Rings!!!

Annie and Baby Butterscotch

And on the bottom of their huge kitties, ... something very special:  the Elf-Made symbol.  ... And if you're not sure what that means, for goodness sake, watch Santa Claus: the Movie.  Everything made directly by the elves bears this sign.
And speaking of "Elf-Made" ... Here is Annie with her two "walking kitties" ... she specifically asked for one purple and one rainbow.  Oh how hard one particular elf worked to make these two look just right!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Prepping for Santa

And after the girls were asleep, Santa came into their rooms and left a special kitty webkinz, ... and for Leia a Tin-Tin comic book, ...
And for Annie a special kitty webkinz, ... and the new Tinkerbell movie, ...

Christmas Eve Dinner at the Grove Park Inn 2012

As is our tradition, the entire family (including Oma and Papa as well as Auntie April and Ben) have a wonderful meal at the Grove Park Inn's Blue Ridge Dining Room after Christmas Eve Mass.

Then it was time to check out the Grove Park Inn's special themed Christmas trees!
Annie in front of "Annie's Bird Tree"

Then it was time to check out the Gingerbread House Competition.  Here are the girls in front of my very favorite gingerbread house:  the Nativity!

Another favorite of Annie's:  a bunny!

This one is destined to be Grandpa's favorite:  the real Yule Log.

Then the girls and I started a new tradition, ... as the crowds dwindled, we did "jumpin' hugs" in the long, beautiful hallway near the Great Hall. (I had to throw the camera down pretty fast in order to catch the girls after I took these pictures.)  Jumpin' hugs have been something special the girls and I have shared for a long, long time.

Christmas Eve Mass 2012

Father Martin called all of the children up to the front of the church during the homily and taught them how to use two candy canes (he used HUGE ones), ... to spell out a message "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph love U, ... We love Jesus, Mary, and Joseph."  SO neat!!!  A wonderful message for the children, ... and the adults!