Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Morning 2012: Happy Birthday Jesus

As is our tradition, in honor of Karin Faulkner, we take a picture of the girls in their jammies at the stair landing before they come down to see their gifts given in honor of Baby Jesus.
First thing's first! ... Baby Jesus found in the manger! ... and the girls bearing Him a Happy Birthday cake! ... only then is it time for Saint Nicholas ...
... and oh, did Saint Nicholas deliver!!!

Leia was amazed that the elves made her a selection of figures (that she secretly asked Peppermint for ... to check if Pep was really a "real" Elf on the Shelf).

Leia & her coveted hawk doll.

Santa surprised Daddy with our family in Star Wars AT-AT form!

... and Lego Lord of the Rings!!!

Annie and Baby Butterscotch

And on the bottom of their huge kitties, ... something very special:  the Elf-Made symbol.  ... And if you're not sure what that means, for goodness sake, watch Santa Claus: the Movie.  Everything made directly by the elves bears this sign.
And speaking of "Elf-Made" ... Here is Annie with her two "walking kitties" ... she specifically asked for one purple and one rainbow.  Oh how hard one particular elf worked to make these two look just right!

1 comment:

Nina said...

Awww. . . I didn't know you follow our family tradition! :) However, now that the "family" is only in TX, neither of us have a stairway. Besides, no one is allowed to believe in Santa. :\ I doubt Steve and Kinga do it either. But maybe . . . I'll have to ask! Kevin still believes too.