Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Night 2012

Opening presents at Oma's & Papa's house is always a highlight of our Christmas day.

The girls were the most excited to receive a track and zipline for their little battery-operated hexbugs. (Note that Annie is wearing her Christmas kitty shirt, that Mamma had to wash multiple times this season, as well as one of her new chewy necklaces from Santa.)
Leia loved her completed collection of Novi Stars.  Have there ever been more beautiful alien dolls?  ;)

Papa always gets the girls of the family some premo makeup to divide between themselves.  This year Mamma made the mistake of telling Papa NOT to include Leia yet.  Ha! ... She gravitated towards that makeup & ended up being included anyway.  Leia's not usually a girly-girl, ... except when it comes to makeup & hair.
Leia spent quite a long time putting some new "lego friend" sets together.  She was very proud to have done it herself.

And after dessert was over, Annie finally got excited about her la-la-loopsie doll that Oma bought her.  When she first opened it, Annie felt a bit "shy" about it.

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